Treatment during 2023, especially first 6 months, was brutal with chemo continuing to beat me up pretty bad. Then mid year no more chemo as it was causing far too many other issues vs its benefit but I do reckon even though its not a fix for my cancer it has contributed in a major way to keep me alive.

Now on immunotherapy as an alternate treatment my body and mind were able to again engage in some activity both good for the body both mental and physical.

It was time to get up and about and continue to support the Pancare Foundation. We rallied our troops to signup for the Unite for Hope 2023 run / walk in early October. With donations from family, friends and work colleagues we were able to raise over $5000 in total. An achievement which is something I cannot thank them enough for and am very humbled they all could be so generous.

The money continues to support Pancare to provide cancer patients like myself to provide counselling, Patient and Carers meetings, access to financial assistance, emotional and physical wellbeing, the list goes on and on what essential support they provide to so many in need.

What was amazing and overwhelming was the 78 beaufitful family and friends who can out to support me on the day.

I was also fortunate enough to speak about my cancer journey and share my story so many which was very humbling and something very powerful for myself as well as others.

This journey is one hell of a daily battle and you get beaten up so often BUT days like this one make you tough as superman and make you fight like never before. Was a day to always remember.


